Melissa Yeske » About Me

About Me

Hi everyone.  My name is Melissa Yeske, and I am a Third Grade teacher here at Coloma Elementary.  I am from the area and have been a teacher for 25 years.  Being a part of Coloma has been a wonderful experience, and I am so excited to be here.  Thank you for allowing me to work with you and your children.  Teaching is my passion, and I am looking forward to teaching all subject areas to our students.  Incorporating technology, Kagan Cooperative Learning strategies and Capturing Kid's Hearts activities to make the lessons interesting and fun is a personal goal of mine this year.
Let me tell you a bit about myself.  I grew up in St. Joseph, Michigan, where I currently live with my husband, Chris, and my dog, Springer.  I love music, reading, dancing and spending time with my family.  Springer loves walks in the woods, and so do I. 
Let me tell you a bit about my educational background.  I graduated from Central Michigan University, and I have completed Master's level classes through Western Michigan University and Andrews University.  Lifelong learning is important, and I continue to participate in Professional Development when possible. 
I also would like to share a few beliefs about education.  I believe that when we are all connected and in communication, we make a strong team.  I welcome parents into my classroom, so please stop by and say hi after you check in with the office.  Volunteers make such a difference.  I believe that each person has a part to play in the educational process.  The compacts we sign show us what the pieces are, and if we all do our part, we will soar  this year.  I believe that education is a path to success in all areas of life, and Coloma is a great place to start.
Please feel free to contact me at [email protected] for any questions or concerns.  Have a great day.